Monday, August 25, 2008

road trip!

crazy bunch of us took an unexpected; last minute road trip to batu pahat! that's like a kampung, loosely translated from the malay language to meaning village, smack in the middle of the johore state.

yes it might sound like i'm making a big fuss out of it. so what if it's like a village? now here comes the fun part. other than all the awesomeness you get from going on a road trip with a couple of your best buddies, experiencing village life for half a day and just being crazy... now check this out:

this is 'the' place to source for great food at a dirt cheap price! definitely something you wouldn't expect in town areas. so guys, when you're given the chance, please do visit this little kampung for the array of delicacies you can get there, infused with the many cultures of malaysia, & also, not forgetting a whole day of fun! (well more if you decide that you can't bear to leave the place, makes sense ain't it?)

Wednesday, August 20, 2008


its pretty awesome to be re-living the days at breakers.

finally, i had the chance to visit this place again after being back here for nearly two months. the place had not lost its glory (although it was renovated, now making it smaller) but new faces were all around! the ex-manager of the place fell out with the boss, and now a new guy has taken over!

to sum it up, only one word could be used to describe the feeling at breakers: AWESOME!! & i can feel it, its all coming back to me; days of american 9-ball and foosball!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

introducing tequila!

hi everyone!

my name is tequila! & i'm a congo african grey who came to live with humans!

here i am, taking the chance to blog while my human companion isn't around, & it sure isn't easy trying to figure this thing out! (i'm pretty confused, i heard some people call them laptops while some others call them macbooks, well i couldn't care less about that though)

i gave it some thought, as some of you might be wondering as to how i look like, here's a picture of me i found in the cupboard, but that was taken some 2 years ago... well make do with it!

i gotta be going right now, so i'll sign off with this ya? goodnight world! (yikes, did i even say hello in the first place? scratch that.)

Monday, August 11, 2008

virgin entry.

dear readers,
pardon the deliberately intended yet unoriginal pun in the title posting!

being my very first post on, i would like to extend a very warm welcome & express my joy on what say, my 5th, 6th or perhaps 7th blog created? well, that goes to prove a point; i'm not only a shutterbug at heart, but also a bloghost-hopper! [ if this term even vaguely exists =) ]

no promises on what's to be published on this weblog, but its highly possible that i would be introducing tequila in my next not-so-virgin-anymore post!