Friday, January 15, 2010


things i do for my pets!

now, even i think its a tad too crazy.

so it goes like this. ran out of cricket supplies for my shamas, and i thought, oh well, take a nap, get it in the evening...


taking my time, upon arriving at the neighbourhood pet shop, guess what...

out of stock. epic fail. fml.

so of course i went into a frenzy, i'd say i nearly landed myself a panic attack!

what am i gonna do!

the lady there told me the supplier is out of stock, which means, you can forget about any shops around jb, they won't have it, definitely.

and i'm left with no supplies at all!

here's the drama...

a pet shop i been to sometime ago popped up into my mind.

pretty faraway i'd say, its in another town. and for the fact that it was already hitting 8pm. most pet shops only open till 7+, with the exception of a few; and i had no idea what's the operating hours of this one, or whether they do sell feeder crickets over there.

but i had no choice!

i revved up the engine, and sped all the way to my destination. and yes, all 125km of it. just for crickets, without knowing if they had it!

hmmm, well, i've got 10 bucks worth of crickets in my freezer right now, instead of my usual 4-5 bucks.

haha, ya know, gotta make the trip worth it right?

Friday, January 1, 2010


what a way to bring in 2010.

where everyone clinked glasses and many wished me a great year ahead, the 1st few seconds of this new year left me confused.

i was already feeling alright not having you around, convincing myself that was the right choice to make some time ago.

leaving everything, & having people constantly tell me its alright to be friends, i attempted.

maybe i failed in this point.

christmas day, you brought us down memory lane.

2010, you wanted to spend it together.

but, doing those things in front of me, i can't help but think you're doing it deliberately.

now i'm confused and spinning, running towards no direction; what's more with the facebook status, isn't it too much of a coincidence?

oh alright, this is pointless babbling on my side. whatever 2010 has in store for me,


- side note: omg omg omg, joycemirage force kissed me!!! *runs away* -